Our Consultants

Associate Professor Eeva Pyörälä
Center for University Teaching and Learning University of Helsinki, Finland

Eeva holds degrees in sociology of health, higher education (University of Helsinki) and medical education (Karolinska Institute, Sweden). For over 20 years, she has been the key expert in health professions education at the University of Helsinki and provided Faculty development courses and workshops on assessment, receiving excellent feedback.

Together with her international colleagues, Eeva has offered workshops and master classes at AMEE (Association for Medical Education in Europe) and Ottawa conferences on technology-enhanced assessment, assessment in the clinical workplace and online assessment using the students' own devices. Eeva was one of the authors of the Ottawa Consensus statement on technology-enhanced assessment (2022), where the steering wheel was in the hands of Professor Richard Fuller.  

Eeva is an active scholar publishing in HPE journals and leads an interdisciplinary group of PhD students with whom she studies e.g. technology-enhanced learning and assessment, digital and virtual learning environments and the teachers' digital competence and use of online learning environment. Eeva loves learning theories and strives to create connections between theory and practice.

In 2018, Eeva was appointed a Fellow of AMEE (FAMEE) and currently she is the Chair of the AMEE Fellowship committee. She was awarded the Golden Medal of the Finnish Scientific Community in 2022.