About HPAC

Academic Contributions


HPAC was founded in 2016, to bring together a number of experts in health professions education and assessment, who had been working collaboratively on various projects for many years. The idea was to offer consultancy work and education with a focus on evidence-based assessment.

Originally, we offered two annual courses in London: The Foundations of Assessment (FAC) and the International Advanced Assessment Course (IAAC). We also offered these in Singapore. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, face-to-face courses were halted in 2020. Since then, we have offered a suite of courses and workshops online.

Our consultancy work has continued as we are invited to review institutional assessment programmes and conduct bespoke Faculty Development courses internationally. In 2023, we have recommenced in person courses, starting with our Advanced Assessment Course, offered in partnership with the Royal College of Surgeons Dental Faculty.

All our consultants have extensive expertise in the pedagogy and best practice of design and development of curricula and assessments, quality assurance work and wide experience in the undergraduate and postgraduate education arenas.


Academic Contributions

Our consultants are involved in a range of academic activities nationally and internationally, including membership of the AMEE Executive Committee, leading the AMEE ASPIRE Assessment Panel, acting as Associate experts for the UK GMC and delivering the AMEE Essential Skills in Medical Education: Assessment (ESMEA) Course since 2008.

Our consultants are actively involved in international conference planning and giving presentations (plenaries, symposia, workshops, chairing sessions); e.g. ADEE conference, AMEE annual scientific meeting, ANZAPHE, APMEC, IMEC, JSME, Ottawa conference, TMEC.

Medical Teacher 'Talking Point' Podcast

An OSCE is not an OSCE simply because you call it that!

Professor Ronald Harden, Editor-in-chief of the Medical Teacher journal, interviews 4 guest speakers, including three HPAC consultants, while addressing some of the key points about clinical assessment from the 2022 Ottawa conference.

Listen now


CPIRD September

Katharine Boursicot was invited to the 30th CPIRD (Collaborative Project to Increase Production of Rural Doctors) conference to deliver a plenary on "Assessment for Outcomes-Based Medical Education" and co-facilitate a workshop on "Assessment of Professionalism".

63 people attended the workshop and the participants were very actively engaged, with Kanokwan from CPIRD doing a great job with simultaneous translations!

The plenary was attended by over 600 delegates with lively discussions!

Phuket is of course a popular tourist destination: we were very privileged to be taken around by local doctor Arpapun.

AMEE August

Best part of the AMEE Meeting is catching with friends from the medical education community around the world.

We offered a joint workshop between the ASPIRE Assessment Panel and the ASPIRE Academy Sub Group to encourage and support schools considering an application for and ASPIRE Assessment Award.

Katharine Boursicot is the Chair of the ASPIRE Assessment Panel.

It was August
Medical Teacher Advisory Board
ASPIRE Assessment Workshop


VetEd Symposium, University College Dublin, Ireland July 2024. Sandra Kemp and Katharine Boursicot conducted 2 pre-conference workshops:  Workplace Based Assessment and Feedback, which were attended by 40 people:

Feedback Workshop
Katharine Boursicot with Prof Sue Rackard, who is the Director of the Centre for Veterinary Education at UCD
Katharine Boursicot with RISR colleague
Workplace Based Assessment


  • AMEE Annual Scientific Meeting, 2023, Glasgow, UK
  • ADEE (Association for Dental Education in Europe) conference, Liverpool, UK: plenary, pre-conference workshop and Panel Discussion
  • JSME (Japanese Society for Medical Education), Nagasaki, Japan: Plenary
  • JFME (Japan Medical Education Foundation) OSCE Symposium, Tokyo, Japan: Plenary
  • External Advisor to UCL/ Quality Assurance Review of MD Programme at HRH Princess Chulabhorn College of Medical Science, Bangkok, Thailand
  • TMEC (Thai Medical Education Annual Conference) Bangkok, Thailand: Plenary, workshop on WB
REach out

Please for further discussions on how we might best assist you, and for consideration of fees.

Let's work together