International Advanced Assessment
Masterclass 2023

EDI in assessment: Many questions, but are there any answers?

The concepts of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity are currently enjoying a great deal of focus from both health and education institutions, but very often as a late addendum to the planning of activities.  What does this mean in the context of complex, established assessment systems?

Workshop discussions will relate to some of the main debates facing health profession educators in ensuring that assessments are truly becoming more equal, diverse and inclusive, including:

Do changing the names in scenario writing mean we have more ‘diversity’?

What does “reasonable” means when we talk about “reasonable adjustments”?

How can we assess if our students are inclusive in their practice?

Participants will be asked to exchange practice in these areas and to plan take-home actions to implement in their own institutions.

Workshop Facilitator

Dr Viktoria Goddard

Vice Dean
Learning and Scholarship