International Advanced Assessment
Masterclass 2023

Venue : The Royal College of Surgeons of England
Date : 12 & 13 June 2023

After a three-year break due to COVID-19, HPAC is pleased to announce the re-instatement of our International Advanced Assessment Course (IAAC), which had been offered annually in London since 2007. The landscape of assessment has undergone some major changes and our revised and refreshed in-person programme reflects these key topics and discourses in this International Advanced Assessment Masterclass (IAAM), developed in collaboration with the RCSE.

Aim: The Masterclass provides a state-of-the art overview of current issues in health professions assessment, with advanced coverage of contemporary assessment methodologies and best practice.

Objectives: participants will

  • gain deeper understanding of contemporary principles of assessment

  • learn to evaluate the latest evidence from the literature, especially relating to developments in best practice

  • review the use of a range of assessment tools

  • identify issues in the assessment of challenging areas in medical education


This Masterclass is for people involved in health professions education assessment, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, who wish to broaden and update their perspectives and deepen their understanding of specific areas of assessment. We have welcomed educators, managers and regulators from dentistry, medicine, pharmacy, physiotherapy, veterinary medicine and nursing to past courses.


This Masterclass will be delivered over 2 days: four plenary sessions will address key areas of current interest, while the workshops will provide hands-on experience of methodologies relating to some of the newer and more challenging assessment areas. Participants will have the opportunity to attend 4 workshops, during which they will be able to explore areas of their particular interest, in more depth.


  • Monday 12 June 2023

    0800 Registration plus refreshments

    0830 Introduction by Katharine Boursicot and Matthew Garrett

    0845 Plenary session 1

    • A framework for good assessment John Norcini

    • Technology and assessment Richard Fuller

    0945 Coffee break

    1015 Workshop session 1

    1230 Lunch

    1345 Workshop session 2

    1600 Tea break

    1630 Plenary session 2

    • The future of knowledge testing Amir Sam

    • The future of performance assessment Katharine Boursicot

    1730 End

  • Tuesday 13 June 2023

    0800 Refreshments

    0830 Plenary session 3

    • Feedback and learning Sandra Kemp

    • Programmatic assessment Sylvia Heeneman

    0930 Coffee break

    1000 Workshop session 3

    1215 Lunch

    1345 Workshop session 4

    1600 Tea break

    1630 Plenary session 4

    • Equality, diversity and inclusion in assessment Viktoria Goddard

    • Sustainable assessment Eeva Pyörälä

    1730 End



Registration: GBP 1,300 per participant


  • Professor Katharine Boursicot

    Professor Katharine Boursicot

    HPAC, Singapore

    Workshop : Current best practice in designing and planning an OSCE

    Plenary : The future of performance assessment

  • Professor Rikki Goddard-Fuller

    Professor Rikki Goddard-Fuller

    Director of Christie Education
    Christie Hospitals NHS Trust / University of Manchester, UK

    Workshops :

    • Improving your OSCE: implementing standard setting, understanding test metrics

    • Technology enhanced portfolio design: What data should we collect and how should we use to assist learning and progression?

    Plenary : Technology Enhanced Assessment: Hope, help or hindrance?

  • Dr Viktoria Goddard

    Dr Viktoria Goddard

    Vice Dean, Learning and Scholarship
    University of Liverpool, UK

    Workshop : EDI in assessment: Many questions, but are there any answers?

    Plenary : What does ‘equality, diversity and inclusivity’ mean in relation to assessment?

  • Sylvia Heeneman

    Sylvia Heeneman

    Department of Pathology, School of Health Professions Education
    Maastricht University, Holland

    Workshop : Implementation of programmatic assessment as a combined education and assessment framework

    Plenary : Programmatic assessment – The theory and the principles

  • Professor Sandra Kemp

    Professor Sandra Kemp

    Deputy Dean, Innovation and Scholarship, Medical Education
    University of Wollongong, Australia

    Workshops :

    • Feedback: Clinically Situated Meaningful Conversations

    • Designing/re-designing a system of assessment

    Plenary : Assessment: Feedback and Learning

  • John Norcini

    SUNY Upstate Medical University, US

    Workshop :

    • Workplace-based Assessment

    • Designing/re-designing a system of assessment

    Plenary : A Framework for Good Assessment

  • Eeva Pyörälä

    Eeva Pyörälä

    Associate Professor
    University of Helsinki, Finland

    Workshop : Remote online testing

    Plenary : Sustainable assessment in health professions education

  • Professor Amir Sam

    Professor Amir Sam

    Head of Imperial College School of Medicine
    Imperial College London, UK

    Workshop : Introducing very short answer questions (VSAQs) into undergraduate medical curriculum

    Plenary : Current developments in the assessment of applied knowledge

  • Dr. Debra Sibbald

    Dr. Debra Sibbald

    Associate Professor and Academic Lead - Admissions,
    University of Toronto, Canada

    Workshops :

    • Strengthening the weakest link: How to optimize assessor training in performance-based assessments.

    • Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) for Assessment of Competence