International Advanced Assessment
Masterclass 2023

Strengthening the weakest link: How to optimize assessor training in performance-based assessments.

Observation, rating, and grading are routine in performance-based assessments (OSCEs, low/high stakes, formative/summative, admissions, experiential, online or in person contexts). Assessor judgement variance is a source of measurement error. How can trainers prepare assessors to improve accuracy, and minimize rating inconsistencies due to biases and cognitive load demands?

The goal of this workshop is to re-examine systematic approaches to optimizing assessor training in an interactive format. A brief outline of key concepts and examples of methods will be shared with an emphasis on strategies to improve tactics. There will be small group collaborative activities to develop stratagems to customize general and item specific assessor training, with large group feedback and discussion.

By the end of the workshop participants will be able to design or improve structured assessor training, interpret affordances and constraints, define methods to optimize calibration and standardization of rating guidelines, frames of reference and scoring tools and practice with examples.

Workshop Facilitator

Dr. Debra Sibbald

Associate Professor and Academic Lead - Admissions